House Approves Flood’s Kindness Week Resolution
HARRISBURG – Rep. Ann Flood (R-Northampton) applauded the passage of her resolution that designates the week of Nov. 12-18, 2023, as Kindness Week in Pennsylvania. 

Flood has served on the executive committee for Gathering of Kindness USA for multiple years and understands firsthand the many ways kindness impacts the lives of people every day. The sole purpose of this week is to focus on the positivity that surrounds us every day. Kindness Week is a time to learn, teach and share our kindness with others.

“Beginning during the Covid epidemic, the population as a whole has faced increasing levels of stress, anxiety and anger. The trend of lashing-out or harassing individuals online has become overly prevalent and many people no longer filter their words,” said Flood. “Constituents expect legislators who sit in one of the top elected positions in our state to set good examples for the people of the Commonwealth. They expect lawmakers to set good examples that citizens can follow. This is why I have introduced my Kindness Week resolution.”

This resolution aims to encourage each individual to treat one another with kindness not only during this designated week, but throughout the year. Flood said a great way to deepen community relationships is by showing compassion toward fellow citizens and through acts of kindness.

“Kindness is teachable and contagious and benefits the community as a whole,” said Flood. “Science has shown that kindness can naturally increase serotonin levels for improved mood, leading to people living longer due to lower levels of stress and anxiety.” 

Representative Ann Flood
138th Legislative District 
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

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