Flood Announces Upcoming Blood Drive
March 7, 2022
WIND GAP – In an effort to boost the area’s blood supply, Rep. Ann Flood (R-Northampton) is hosting a blood drive from Monday, March 14, through Saturday, March 19, at the Miller-Keystone Blood Center, located at 1465 Valley Center Parkway in Bethlehem.
“Blood supplies are critically low right now, and residents are encouraged to make a donation in order to ensure enough life-saving blood is available in times of need,” said Flood.
To schedule a blood donation appointment, call 1-800-223-6667 and mention Group ID 8814, visit GIVEaPINT.org and include the Group ID in the notes section of the form, or scan the QR code with your phone. All presenting donors using Group ID 8814 will be entered into a raffle to win a gift basket.
Flood is also taking legislative action to increase Pennsylvania’s blood supply. She is the prime sponsor of House Bill 2092, legislation that would encourage businesses to hold employee blood drives. The proposal provides for a $20 income tax credit to businesses for each verified employee donation.
Representative Ann Flood
138th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Jordan Garrett
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